We were asked by our clients at Hang Loose media to design and build a studio for an F1 celebrity race in Monaco during Grand Prix week.
Amongst other celebrities, the event was attended by F1 drivers Charles Leclerc and Alex Albon.
Riviera Event Technical Services
Your technical partner for worldwide event support
We were asked by our clients at Hang Loose media to design and build a studio for an F1 celebrity race in Monaco during Grand Prix week.
Amongst other celebrities, the event was attended by F1 drivers Charles Leclerc and Alex Albon.
The 2023 Superyacht Life Honours awards from the Hauser & Wirth art gallery in Monaco
We were delighted to have provided local production management, crew and staging this week for our client / friends at Juli GMBH and AP-Live for their event the Gran Turismo World Finals in Monaco.
With support from our friends at #DuShow and #Mediacom and all the wonderful people and crew of the Direction Artistique at the Sporting Monte Carlo.
Produced and designed by Juli and AP-Live
We were very proud to have managed this build and arrange all fire and building permissions, plus supply all AV for the WSJ Journal House at Cannes Lions this year for our Clients at Cheerful Twentyfirst.
This week we visited our friends at Cap Générateur to hear about their Biodiesel fueled machines and new range of hydrogen fuel cell generators.Interesting and sustainable times ahead.
Bravo Fabrice and team!
Cette semaine, nous avons rendu visite à nos amis de Cap Générateur pour entendre parler de leurs machines alimentées au biodiesel et de la nouvelle gamme de générateurs à pile à combustible à hydrogène.Des temps intéressants et durables à venir.
Bravo Fabrice et l’équipe !
Yesterday we visited Coline Strauch of the collective Les Chiffoniers, a group of different structures all involved in recycling and repurposing waste material from the event world.
From jewellery made from inner tubes, decor from pallets, to bags made from printing materials, we saw various ways and creative ideas that the things we normally dispose of can be given a second life.
One great idea was to recover carpets, linos, etc and to re-sell them as a cheaper and more sustainable option to buying new.
They are currently searching for premises from where they can store, create and repair, as well as a creative space for new upcycling.
More of this please?
Hier, nous avons rendu visite à Coline Strauch du collectif Les Chiffonniers, un regroupement de différentes structures toutes impliquées dans le recyclage et la valorisation des déchets du monde de l’événementiel.
Des bijoux fabriqués à partir de chambres à air, des décorations de palettes aux sacs fabriqués à partir de matériaux d’impression, nous avons vu diverses façons et idées créatives de donner une seconde vie aux choses dont nous nous débarrassons normalement.
Une bonne idée était de récupérer les tapis, les linos, etc. et de les revendre comme une option moins chère et plus durable pour acheter du neuf.
Ils recherchent actuellement des locaux pour stocker, créer et réparer, ainsi qu’un espace créatif pour de nouveaux upcycling.
Plus de ça s’il vous plait ?
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